Philip Stephens
Philip Stephens broke his neck at a Sydney surfing beach when he was 18.
After six months in hospital, he began learning to live in a wheelchair with limited use of his arms. He attained a Bachelor of Business and became an accountant for a major Australian wealth management company.
He spends his holidays travelling the world. He enjoys taking risks. A smart dresser and lover of fine wine and good company, he lives in the Sydney seaside suburb of Manly with housemates, carers and a dog. He is used to being the keynote speaker at corporate events and is experienced at television, radio and newspaper interviews.
The true story of a daredevil quadriplegic
Philip Stephens
Travelling in a Wheelchair
Philip Stephens’s Releases
"The memoir is a rollercoaster of emotions, revealing not only his physical challenges but also his deep emotional and personal experiences. It's a powerful reminder of the strength we all hold within."
Marc, New York City USA
"The book gives an intimate look into the life of someone who views his disability as an ability, a perspective that's both refreshing and enlightening. Philip's use of the word 'lucky' to describe himself is a powerful message about defining life on our own terms. A truly inspirational read for anyone."
Deb, Sydney AUS
"Reading 'My Lucky Break' by Philip Stephens was a life-changing experience for me. It's a must-read for anyone facing their own challenges, looking for a perspective shift.
Jodie, Melbourne AUS